Books by Rick Heeren

Thank God It's Monday

Where is God on Monday when Christians go to work? Rick Heeren shows in this masterpiece that God is as close and as available as He is on Sundays; we simply don't realize it. To help Christians discover and apply this revolutionaty truth, God has enabled Rick to write this enlightening and empowering book. Rick shares Biblical principles and personal experiences that can make life during the week as uplifting as it is on Sundays.

Marketplace Miracles

When the New York Times wrote a front-page account of Elk River, Minnesota’s faith-filled transformation, Rick Heeren was the city’s leader behind the scenes. Here, he shares his story and many other motivating how-to accounts of businesses, schools and communities that have put God at the center of their vision and seen miraculous turnarounds. ​

The Threshing Floor

The Threshing Floor, documents Minnesota’s calling as the threshing floor to the nation.

The Elk River Story

After paying two personal visits to the Elk River "faith community," and reading "God Out of the Box," by Elk River banker, Chuck Ripka, I can bear personal witness to the literal accuracy of Rick Heeren's book​